Wilde Hilde: You just have to love it!

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Outrageously good!

“Wilde Hilde” is a popular, slightly tangy, pleasantly full-bodied, strong creamy cheese from the Wängi dairy. It is made there with great care and passion, and nurtured in the Käsekellerei Beromünster. “Wilde Hilde” is a characterful cheese you simply have to love. It is no surprise that this exceptional cheese specialty has a wide fan base among cheese lovers. “Wilde Hilde” is simply outrageously good!

Wilde Hilde is now also available in organic quality.

Wilde Hilde Bio

Unverschämt gut
Unverschämt gut auch in Bio

An outrageously good opportunity!

Get a good cut and inspire your customers!

Contact us at:
gruezi@natour.swiss | Tel: +41 41 462 50 90

Wilde Hilde Cheese


kilograms in weight


days spent maturing


liters of milk per wheel


millimeters in diameter

A genuine original!

Wilde Hilde is a genuine original. A cow with character. And with her own mind. She can be a little stubborn at times, but she is also cheerful and playful. She is at home in the herb-covered meadows and mystical landscape of Eastern Switzerland. This is where she finds the juicy, green grass she loves so much and that makes her milk so good. Because Wilde Hilde is a dairy cow par excellence. And she is proud of it.

A genuine original

Cheese for wild enjoyment!

Wilde Hilde is always an accompaniment with a touch of character. Whether as a delicacy to go with an aperitif or confidently placed as a main course. Whichever way it is used, you will just love Wilde Hilde, a strong creamy cheese with a touch of boldness. Acquire a taste for it – it will be the start of a long and enjoyable friendship!

Ideal with meat Ideal whit wine Ideal with grapes
heese for wild enjoyment!

Available in many places

Wilde Hilde is available now in select specialist stores in Switzerland and Germany. It is time to widen your culinary horizons!

Available in many places

Available in organic quality!

Wilde Hilde Bio is an outrageously good opportunity that you should not miss.

Order now

In Bio-Qualität erhältlich!


kilograms in weight


days spent maturing


liters of milk per wheel


millimeters in diameter